
Methods Supported GET
Description Returns a list of matches between the specified dates


Name  Description 


Method: GetTeamDetails
Name  Type  Direction  Description 
GetTeamDetailsRequest GetTeamDetailsRequest Input

A GetTeamDetailsResult element having the structure defined by the following table.

Name  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean
TeamDetailView TeamDetailView
Method: GetTeamDetailsByIdList
Name  Type  Direction  Description 
GetTeamDetailsByIdListRequest GetTeamDetailsByIdListRequest Input

A GetTeamDetailsByIdListResult element having the structure defined by the following table.

Name  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean
TeamDetailViewList ArrayOfTeamDetailView
Method: MarkMessageAsRead
Name  Type  Direction  Description 
MarkMessageAsReadRequest MarkMessageAsReadRequest Input

A MarkMessageAsReadResult element having the structure defined by the following table.

Name  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean

Complex Types: TeamService

Complex Type: ArrayOfCustomerAsPlayerView
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
CustomerAsPlayerView CustomerAsPlayerView
Complex Type: ArrayOfint
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
int int
Complex Type: ArrayOfMessageView
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
MessageView MessageView
Complex Type: ArrayOfTeamDetailView
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
TeamDetailView TeamDetailView
Complex Type: CustomerAsPlayerView
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Created dateTime
FirstName string
ID int
LastName string
Modified dateTime
Role PlayerRoleEnum
ShirtNumber string
Complex Type: GetTeamDetailsByIdListRequest
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
ApplicationId guid
TeamIdList ArrayOfint
Complex Type: GetTeamDetailsByIdListResponse
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean
TeamDetailViewList ArrayOfTeamDetailView
Complex Type: GetTeamDetailsRequest
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
ApplicationId guid
TeamId int
Complex Type: GetTeamDetailsResponse
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean
TeamDetailView TeamDetailView
Complex Type: MarkMessageAsReadRequest
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
ApplicationId guid
MessageId guid
TeamID int
Complex Type: MarkMessageAsReadResponse
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean
Complex Type: MessageView
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Content string
Created dateTime
DateRead dateTime
Id int
Read boolean
Complex Type: ResponseBase
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Message string
Success boolean
Complex Type: TeamDetailView
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
Balance decimal
Created dateTime
DiscountRate decimal
DiscountType DiscountTypeEnum
ID int
Message String
Modified dateTime
Name string
PlayerViewList ArrayOfCustomerAsPlayerView
Status StatusEnum